Research on ‘The Impact of the Economic Downturn and Policy Changes on Health Inequalities in London’

The impact of the economic downturn and policy changes on health inequalities in London. Development of an indicator set is available on the Institute of Health Equity website.

The UCL Institute of Health Equity (IHE) was commissioned by the London Health Inequalities Network to report on the likely impact of the recession and welfare reforms in London, and to develop a set of indicators to do so. The first report was published in June 2012, setting out the IHE’s view of the likely impact of the recession, and welfare reforms, on the social determinants of health and health outcomes. 

Since then the IHE has developed an indicator set that was piloted by 5 London boroughs and launched for London analysts in October 2013. The full report, and a short document of key messages from the report are available on the IHE website.


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