Our Policy Forum and Research Network are central to our work, and our newsletter brings all the latest news in equality and human rights straight to you, every two weeks. See below for how to sign up, or become a member.

Sign up for the Equally Ours newsletter

Our fortnightly newsletter rounds up all the latest news on equality and human rights, including reports, consultations, job vacancies and more. Subscribe now to keep up to date:

Become a member

Our members are at the heart of what we do. Most of our trustees are drawn from our member organisations, and our members collectively shape our strategy, priorities and policy positions.

Member benefits include our monthly Policy Forum meetings, where we’ve heard from past speakers such as Theresa May and the UN’s Virginia Bras-Gomes. We also advertise members’ jobs in our newsletter for free, and consult with them on joint policy positions and consultation responses.

Find out more, and apply to become a member, now:

Join our Research Network

Our Research Network promotes dialogue and collaboration between equality and human rights academics, charities, NGOs, policymakers and funders. Members are invited to our seminars and events, and gain an active platform for their reports and research.

Find out how to join below: