We’re working to make sure our essential rights and freedoms are protected

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We believe that a good and strong society is a just and inclusive one. One where we are free from harm and can all contribute and flourish, whoever we are.

Equally Ours (previously the Equality and Diversity Forum) is a UK charity that brings together people and organisations working across equality, human rights and social justice to make a reality of these in everyone’s lives.

Through our members and networks, we join up research, policy and communications to shift public opinion and policy in positive and powerful ways.


We find out what the public thinks and feels about social issues and why, and find ways of talking about them to make them matter. 

This powerful evidence-based, values-led approach to communications draws on frame theory and behavioural insight.

There are four strands to our strategic communications work: audience insight research; frame and message development and testing; campaign and content creation; and building the capacity of civil society to communicate and campaign for change. 


We influence decision makers to advance evidence-based policy solutions that will create a just and inclusive society, with and on behalf of our members.

We bring our members and policymakers together, providing a platform to engage, network, share learning and discuss equality and human rights issues in depth. And we help members to find common ground and speak with one voice on shared policy solutions. 


We understand the problems that prevent us from being the best society we can be, and shape the policy solutions that will get us there.

We do this by promoting dialogue and collaboration between equality and human rights researchers, policymakers, civil society organisations and funders. We translate research into recommendations for practical changes to policy and practice. And we share up-to-date research with anyone who needs it.