Hate crime is one of our current strategic priorities. We work to influence government policy on hate crime, convene meetings of experts, and pull together relevant research to inform the debate.

Hate crime policy

Our policy priorities for hate crime are to:

  • influence the new Law Commission review into hate crime law announced in 2018, building on the previous Law Commission review in 2014, and more recent review in Scotland led by Lord Bracadale
  • In the short term, seek parity of uplift in sentencing for sexual orientation, transgender identity and disability alongside race and religion
  • in the longer term, push for new hate crime law that takes a more equitable approach across different equality characteristics protected under the Equality Act 2010
  • encourage a greater focus on prevention and political leadership, to support a more positive culture which recognises equality and human rights for all.

We’ll progress this work by convening and coordinating influencing activities with our members, and bringing forward new research to inform policy.

Research into hate crime

Since 2017, we have been carrying out a series of seminars and reviewing key evidence on the nature of hate crime and what we need to do to tackle this in law, policy and practice.

We have looked at the main causes and consequences of hate crime. You can see our synthesis of related research here (pdf), as well as a blog about our related seminar.

We’ve also reviewed how well the current law addresses equality considerations, and we think there is a strong case for legal reform to support greater parity and clarity in the law. See our synthesis on the case for reform of hate crime law (pdf).

Most recently, we are looking at the issues raised by online hate crime. You can see a writeup of our recent seminar on tackling online hate crime and hate speech here.

Sign up to be kept in the loop

If you’re undertaking research on hate crime and have findings to share, you might like to join our research network, or sign up below to be kept in the loop on our research and events related to hate crime. Please feel free to get in touch by emailing us at info@equallyours.org.uk.

Members and associate members can also join our hate crime strategy group. To find out more, get in touch with us at info@equallyours.org.uk.