Department for Exiting the EU guidance: UK Government’s Preparations for a ‘No Deal’ Scenario

The UK Government has begun to publish a series of guidance on how businesses and citizens can prepare for a ‘No Deal’ scenario in August 2018.

The Department for Exiting the European Union (DExEU) will publish 25 technical notices over the course of September 2018.

These include:

  • Applying for EU-funded programmes
  • Civil nuclear and nuclear research
  • Farming
  • Importing and exporting
  • Labelling products and making them safe
  • Money and tax
  • Regulating medicines and medical equipment
  • State aid
  • Studying in the UK or EU
  • Workplace rights

At the heart of government’s approach to preparing for a ‘no deal’ scenario is a commitment to prioritise stability for citizens, consumers and business, to ensure the smooth operations of business, infrastructure and public services and to minimise any disruption to the economy.

See the collection of guidance.

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