Children’s human rights are the basic things that children need to thrive, be free and live in dignity.
A July 2018 policy briefing by CRAE explores how a children’s rights approach to tackling mental health issues among children can help to address this growing problem.
This briefing is the fifth in its series, and part of a three-year project funded by The Baring Foundation to build the capacity of voluntary sector organisations to use the children’s rights framework in their policy and public affairs work.
It concludes with 12 recommendations, including:
- Get involved in the CRC monitoring and reporting process to ensure the Government is held to account and takes action on the Concluding Observations relevant to mental health
- Use Concluding Observations, General Comments and articles from the CRC and ICESCR to back up arguments in your briefings, reports, submissions to consultations, media work and campaign materials.
- Mix public facing messages on mental health with ‘behind the scenes’ more technical advocacy using children’s rights. But be tactical and layer/ tailor children’s rights language. Take on the right conversations in the right arena.