Negotiated stopping is an innovative, humane and balanced approach of addressing problems raised by the lack of suitable provision for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation, that also respects the community’s culture and way of life.
This is according to a November 2019 report (pdf) from London Gypsies and Travellers on negotiated stopping as an approach to roadside stopping by the local authorities.
The report also finds that:
- The negotiated stopping approach is proven to achieve significant savings in public spending and decreased social costs for the Gypsy and Traveller communities
- Due to the lack of stopping places and access to vacant land, many Gypsies and Travellers feel they have nowhere to go but on public parks and open spaces.
- Therefore, this leads to increased community tension and creates a vicious circle, as local authorities and police seek to evict as quickly as possible.
- The current government guidance on managing unauthorised encampments recommends careful consideration of access to accommodation, the best interest of children and preventing discrimination.
- However, the hard-line response to camps which seeks rapid enforcement action rarely meet these requirements, and further marginalise the Gypsies and Traveller communities.