Hope and unity: a brief story of our new brand

Colourful woven threads


Equally Ours’s Communications Director, Kathryn Quinton, on our new brand.

Today, the Equality and Diversity Forum (EDF) launches its new name and brand, Equally Ours. We hope you love it as much as we do.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had to add, ‘Not the energy company’ when I’ve told people I work for EDF. The confusion with that EDF is one of the reasons for changing our name – and it’s a good one – but it’s certainly not the only one.

That our new name will already be familiar to some and not to others is the second good reason. Our work covers three areas: research, policy and strategic communications, but many people know us only for the area most relevant to their work. So, campaigners and communicators know us for our respected Equally Ours strategic communications programme (from which we’ve unapologetically pinched the name), policy experts for our vibrant and vital Policy Forum, and academics for our expert Research Network.

Uniting our parts under one name and brand

A small organisation with three separate brands is quite a feat! But it’s also a wasted opportunity. A robust evidence base, achievable policy solutions and more compassionate public attitudes are inextricably linked in achieving social change. So, by uniting our parts under one name and brand, we can tell a better story about how they work together to make a reality of equality and human rights in everyone’s lives.

The third good reason is who we need to talk to and influence. As they were when we started out in 2002, our members are still core to who we are and what we do, and, to this day, we remain the only UK-wide pan-equality and human rights organisation in the UK. But, if we really want to shift policy in positive and powerful ways, we need to bring the public with us, and we’re confident that our new brand is a good vehicle for doing that.

Confidence, inclusivity and vibrancy

As everyone knows, a brand is much, much more than what you’re called and what you look like. It’s about why we get up in the morning – our purpose and what we believe in.

Equally Ours believes that a good and strong society is a just and inclusive one. One where we are free from harm and can all contribute and flourish, whoever we are and whatever we do or don’t have. A society that is, well, equally ours. And our purpose is to, collectively, create that society.

Our new confident, inclusive and vibrant brand makes us fit for purpose for the here and now and for everything we want to achieve in the future.


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