End Violence Against Women Coalition: Covid-19 is not a ‘leveller’

There has been some talk of COVID-19 as a “great leveller”, but any examination of the reality reveals this is wrong.

The COVID-19 pandemic ‘landed’ in the UK on existing deep, social inequalities. Emerging trends and data already suggest that the crisis is not affecting people equally, from a likely increase in abuse of women and children in the home, to disproportionate levels of sickness, death and harsh economic impacts among BME groups, poorer communities and marginalised people. 

EVAW have submitted evidence to the Women & Equalities Select Committee Inquiry into Unequal impact: Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the impact on people with protected characteristics. 

In this submission EVAW has set out recommendations that touch upon:

  • The rights of disabled women and girls during the crisis
  • The rights of BME women during the crisis
  • The rights of older women during the crisis

Read EVAW coalition’s full submission to WESC here

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