Category: Brexit

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Fawcett Society briefing paper: #FaceHerFuture

Following the publication of the Withdrawal Agreement, it is clear that women are still missing from the Government’s agenda on Brexit.

The Fawcett Society have produced a briefing  paper (pdf) as part of their campaign  #FaceHerFuture on Brexit and women.

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EDF Gendering Brexit Blog series: Gentlemen’s agreements: proposals on the table for EU citizens’ rights disadvantage women by design

As Brexit-day draws nearer, we are faced with two similar-but-different proposals for migration regimes for EU nationals in the UK – one in the draft Withdrawal Agreement (just) concluded, but now looking precarious, between the UK and the EU, and one in the UK Home Office’s proposals, which appear predicated upon there being a withdrawal agreement.

Although no deal is a distinct possibility, the citizens’ rights part of the withdrawal agreement may end up being plucked out and ring-fenced into a ‘partial deal’ to avoid human catastrophe, so this post reflects upon the offers on the table.

In both regimes, people will fall through the cracks. And women will be disproportionately likely to be among that group.

Professor Charlotte O’Brien from the York Law School, contributes this blog on EU migrants’ rights , gender and Brexit. 

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Stonewall report: LGBT in Britain – health

One in seven LGBT people (14 per cent) have avoided treatment for fear of discrimination because they’re LGBT.

This is according to the November 2018 report (pdf) from Stonewall on mental health and well-being of LGBT people.

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The EHRC logo.

Equality and Human Rights Commission report: Is Britain Fairer?

Although positive progress has been made in some areas of life for some people, there is still a lot more to do to ensure everyone is free from discrimination and can enjoy their basic human rights.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission have published their review of how Britain is performing on equality and human rights (pdf), in October 2018.

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EU Funding After Brexit: Shared Prosperity Must Mean Shared Rights

Over the last forty years, European Union funding has provided a safety net for people facing inequality and discrimination and offered them a chance to make their lives better.

This funding will end when the UK leaves the EU.

In this briefing, Liz Shannon, our parliamentary and policy adviser looks at the future of funding following our exit from the European Union.

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