Call for papers: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Equality and Diversity

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Equality and Diversity: An International Journal was launched in 2015. This multi-lingual and fully open access journal will publish peer reviewed papers covering any aspect of equality and diversity, such as studies of employment, education and other provision of services. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for international research which advances and challenges our understanding of equality and diversity from innovative theoretical and empirical perspectives.

Papers should be submitted via the online system which includes instructions for authors.

The following forms of submission are welcome:

  1. Original research papers which examine equality and diversity in any disciplines / sector from any geographical location. Papers may be position pieces, theoretically informed empirical work, theoretical pieces or systematic literature reviews (between 6000 to 8000 words plus references and a 200 word abstract and up to five key words/terms).
  2. Case studies, including examples of equality and diversity interventions from the public and private sector, teaching, charities and other bodies (maximum length 5000 words plus references and a 150 word summary).
  3. Letters – this may include responses to previously published studies – we hope to encourage debate.
  4. Professional insight including, teaching resources (many of our readers will be engaged in teaching within higher education and the school system), community and industrial outreach and reports from conferences, training sessions, etc. (maximum length of 1500 words)
  5. Essays from students in the field of equality and diversity (maximum length 3000 words plus references and 150 word abstract).

Call for proposals for special issues: The Journal will publish at least one special issue per year. Please contact the journal at with an expression of interest and further details.

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