Universal Periodic Review: note of March 2013 stakeholder event

The Ministry of Justice held a first stakeholder event in London on 19 March 2013 on the mid-term report in the context of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the United Kingdom.

A summary note of the outcomes of the event was published in April 2013, identifying outcomes of the discussion in the following areas: freedom & security; women & children; discrimination & migration; international focus.

The next (second) stakeholder event in London will take place on Wednesday 18 September 2013 (afternoon) at the Ministry of Justice.

There is an online submission system for anyone wishing to comment on the UPR mid-term report, will remain open on the Ministry of Justice website until 1 October 2013 (which is the deadline for all submissions on the UPR mid-term report to reach the Ministry of Justice).

Click here for link to note

Click here for online submission system

Click here for information about the Universal Periodic Review on the Ministry of Justice website

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