UK Trans Info – research and guidance

Research and guidance by UK Trans Info includes:

Gender Recognition: Where Next? (published January 2016): This report summarises the findings of a survey undertaken during November and December 2015 in collaboration with the Non-Binary Inclusion Project. The survey, entitled ‘Replace the GRC – but how?’ was created in response to calls for reform of the Gender Recognition Act 2004, in the wake of a Transgender Equality Inquiry conducted by the UK Parliament’s Women and Equalities Committee.

Guide to UK Legal Gender Recognition (published November 2015): This booklet will explain what gender recognition is, what the eligibility requirements are, how to make the application and what happens once you have applied. It will also guide you through the additional steps you’ll need to take if you are married or in a civil partnership. If you need any more help then you can contact us or one of the other organisations listed at the back of the guide.

Guide on how to change your name and title.

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