Programme: UK Statistics Authority – ‘Beyond 2011’ alternatives to the Census

The UK Statistics Authority set up the Beyond 2011 Programme in April 2011 to investigate and assess alternative options for producing the population and socio-demographic data required by users in England and Wales. This work will include testing models for the use of administrative and survey data as an alternative to the UK’s traditional census approach. Beyond 2011 will provide recommendations to Parliament in 2014.

The first Beyond 2011 public consultation ran from October 2011 to January 2012. A total of 266 organisations and individuals provided responses to the consultation and 207 people attended the supporting workshops.

The UK Statistics Authority will publish regular reports to enable stakeholders to keep in touch with progress in the Programme as the statistical options are developed.

Beyond 2011 publications will initially be divided into the following categories: News, Progress, Research, Methods and Policies and Sources, with reports in each category released at regular intervals.

Click here for details of the Beyond 2011 programme.

Click here for a response from the Equality and Diversity Forum to the 2011 consultation.

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