In October 2013, the Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC) published a briefing paper by Phil Ware called ‘”Very small, very quiet, a whisper” – Black and Minority Ethnic groups: voice and influence’.
The aim of the research was to test out how the BME VCS was faring in relation to voice and influence in the current context by interviewing a range of staff of BME voluntary and strategic organisations. Specifically the research set out to identify:
- whether there is a BME Sector as such and, if so, its characteristics;
- the extent of differences between longer established BME communities and those formed by more recently arrived refugees and migrants;
- the perceived extent of the voice and influence of the BME organisations, both within the Community and Voluntary Sector and wider policy circles;
- the resilience of BME organisations in the face of the current economic and political challenges. What strategies are they using to survive develop or influence?
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