The conference Beyond 2015: shaping the future of equality, human rights and social justice took place at the British Academy in London on 12 and 13 February 2015 with Robin Jackson, Chief Executive of the British Academy, and EDF’s Marie Staunton welcoming participants at the start of the event.
The event was attended by more than 100 participants from public, private and voluntary sectors with seven sessions over two days exploring the conference themes of improving equality, human rights and social justice in the UK.
Conference material:
- Conference agenda
- Introduction by Marie Staunton CBE, EDF Chair
- Biographical notes of speakers
- Tweets from the conference (Storify)
- About the Equality and Diversity Forum
- Equally Ours’ How to talk about human rights
- How would you shape the future of equality, human rights and social justice? (input from participants)
- Video of Session 7: Future studies
Presentations by speakers at the conference and related material can be found in the relevant sections of this portal corresponding to the conference session titles (see agenda above).