Scottish Government publication: Official Statistics for People, Communities and Places 2016

The Scottish Government have published its 2016 Official Statistics for Scotland (pdf) on people, communities and places. This data came from the Scottish Surveys Core Questions (SSCQ) and covers the period of 2012 – 2016.

The Official Statistics show the composition, characteristics and attitudes of Scottish households and adults in across a number of topic areas including equality characteristics, housing, employment and perceptions of health and crime.

The report finds:

  • Women are more likely than men in general to provide unpaid care. Around one fifth of women provide care, compared with 14.0% of men. Unpaid care provision peaks between ages 55-64 when just under a quarter of adults provide unpaid care
  • The “LGB & Other” group has a higher prevalence of limiting long-term health conditions, than the heterosexual group.

Read the full report here (pdf).

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