The Equality Duty Revised Draft Regulations for Scotland were approved by the Scottish Parliament and came into force on 27 May 2012.
In March 2012, the Scottish Government published the ‘Equality Duty Revised Draft Regulations Analysis of Consultation Findings’ report and its response, which included a final copy of the proposed regulations.
A consultation was carried out by the Scottish Government between September and the end of November 2011 on the Public Sector Equality Duty Revised Draft Regulations. The report presents an analysis of the consultation findings. The Scottish Government’s response to the issues raised in the consultation report includes a final copy of the proposed regulations.
Click here for report of Consultation Findings
Click here for ‘Equality Duty Revised Draft Regulations – Scottish Government Response to Consultation Findings’
Click here for The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012