Runnymede Trust report on BME attitudes to immigration

In December 2015, race equality think tank the Runnymede Trust launched This is Still About Us. Why Ethnic Minorities see Immigration Differently, a report about the attitudes of ethnic minorities in Britain on immigration and Europe.

The report uses high-sample surveys and focus groups across several areas to explore BME opinion.

Recommendations include:

  • BME people and migrants must be included more regularly in policy debates and policy thinking on migration;
  • The Government needs to develop a more coherent integration strategy to combat discrimination and unfair inequalities between migrants and non-migrants, as well as between ethnic minorities and white British people, including in the labour market;
  • Immigrants should be provided with a ‘handbook’ of information about British life, including their rights and responsibilities, and how to access public services;
  • ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) courses and the Adult Skills Budget should be increased to to encourage integration and better labour market and social outcomes for migrants and their children;
  • Local authorities should also be supported in developing better forecasting of demands on health services and education.

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