Report on community cohesion in schools

‘Community cohesion and PREVENT: how have schools responded?’ was published by the Department for Education in 2011.

This report presents the findings from research commissioned by the Department for Education (then the Department for Children, Schools and Families) to assess the effect on schools and local authorities of implementing the duty to promote community cohesion and the extent to which schools are aware of, and undertaking activities to contribute to, the Government’s PREVENT strategy.

The Education and Inspections Act 2006 placed a new duty on the governing bodies of maintained schools in England to promote community cohesion. The Act set schools at the heart of an aim to generate greater community cohesion, and charged them with responsibility for developing a bespoke approach reflecting their school and community.

The report findings include that ‘[a]lmost all primary (89%), secondary (93%) and special (89%) schools say their understanding of community cohesion is better since the introduction of the duty to promote community cohesion. Well over half say it is a lot better’.

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