Police diversity profiles

In October 2015, the Home Office published a force-by-force overview of the proportion of BME and female officers in each of the 43 England and Wales police forces.

The profiles show

  • there is no police force in England and Wales that has a BME representation that matches its local demographic.
  • according to self-declared data submitted by forces to the Home Office, four forces have no Black/Black British officers.
  • there are no BME Chief Constables.
  • female police officers make up 28.2% of all police officers yet are 51% of the total population.

Details of how the ethnicity and gender of police officers in City of London Police compares with that of the population of the force area they serve.

Theresa May’s speech to the National Black Policing Association’s conference on 22 October about a one nation approach to policing.

Statement by the Equality and Human Rights Commission on 22 October.

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