In June 2012, the Government published a response to the Equal Pay section of the Modern Workplaces consultation.
The response confirms that the Government will go ahead with the proposal to allow Tribunals to impose pay audits on those who have broken the law.
The Government Equalities Office (GEO) will undertake further consultation on the exact contents of pay audits and the publication requirements.
The Modern Workplaces consultation was published on the 16 May 2011 and closed on 8 August 2011. The consultation sought views on four key areas: Introducing a new system of flexible parental leave which will allow mothers and fathers to share leave, and give parents and employers greater choice about how leave is taken; on how to extend the right to flexible working to all employees; Updating the Working Time Regulations to reflect European judgments and introducing further measures to promote equal pay.
Click here for ‘Modern Workplaces. Government Response. Consultation on: Equal Pay’
Click here for details of the consultation on Modern Workplaces