With a balance of responsibility shared between Government, businesses and disabled people the prospect of reducing the disability employment and pay gap looks more promising.
This is according to a November 2019 report from The London School of Economics on a possible set of policy levers that could help narrow the disability employment and pay gap.
The report also finds that:
- Disabled people with different perspectives and impairment experiences want more flexible, inclusive work that they can manage alongside their health conditions or impairment.
- Changes in the UK labour market have affected and are set to affect disabled people disproportionately. For instance, there is a rise in ‘atypical’ roles such as part-time, temporary work and self-employment which pose complex risks and opportunities.
- Large employers should be required to collect and publish intelligent data such as employment pay, employment ‘journey’ and experience of work transparently. This level of transparency aims to drive improvement through accountability to shareholders, competition between employers and opportunities to praise and challenge particular employers.
- Government investment in sharing risk could be effective in enabling disabled people to work.