The King’s Fund report: the Future of HIV Services in England

The King’s Fund published a report on the future of HIV services in England (pdf) in April 2017.

This report makes recommendations at local and national levels for planning and delivering HIV services on how best to develop those services over the next 5–10 years.

The research includes a review of existing literature and data, and interviews with national stakeholders. The King’s Fund also selected case study areas to give a diverse range of settings, including urban and rural areas, areas with high and low HIV prevalence, and a wide geographical spread (north and south of the country, and London).

The report found that:

  • More people than ever before are living with HIV in England
  • HIV-associated stigma remains a significant factor in people’s experience of living with HIV, and inhibits testing and prevention interventions
  • England’s HIV services have a track record of clinical outcomes that is among the best in the world
  • Local plans should be based on integrating services along fragmented HIV pathways and coordinating care around the individual.
  • There are wide inequalities in rates of late diagnosis, which is associated with complex needs and poor health outcomes

Read the full report (pdf).

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