JRCT statement: A statement from Trustees on the origins of our endowment

In this statement by JRCT, the Trust talks about its commitment to the long-term funding of racial justice work.

 As a Quaker Trust, JRCT’s commitment to integrity also prompts them to reflect on their own situation and actions, even when this is difficult. As such, JRCT felt a moral responsibility to critically examine its own history. The Rowntree Society gave further information about the history of the Rowntree company, which provided the wealth used to establish the three endowed Trusts set up in Joseph Rowntree’s name in 1904.

The preliminary research identified evidence that suggests that the Rowntree company purchased cocoa and other goods produced by enslaved people and benefitted from the system of colonial indenture.

In this statement, JRCT respond to this discovery and discuss measure taken to increase accountability across the organisation.

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