Joseph Rowntree Foundation work on forced labour

A programme of work by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation asks: How can we reduce forced labour in the UK, and support its victims?

In June 2013, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation published a paper on forced labour in the UK.

The paper:

  • considers the definition of forced labour, the legal and policy developments around it and the often overstated relationship with human trafficking;
  • looks at the scale and scope of forced labour in the UK, how it is tackled, and the pressures on regulatory and enforcement mechanism designed to help those who are exploited;
  • identifies the need for a unified government strategy to combat forced labour and makes recommendations for national and local government, business and trades unions.

A study published in November 2013 analyses how businesses make money from forced labour. It develops a conceptual model of the business of forced labour and sets out the darker side of the labour supply chains of cannabis ‘grow-ops’, the construction industry and the food sector.

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