‘For the most part the debate about Brexit was one that divided low-income voters in much the same way as the rest of the country.’
This is according to an October 2018 analysis from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation of questions on attitudes to Brexit from the 2017 British Social Attitudes survey. It focuses on the long-term consequences of Brexit, and pays special attention to the views of people on low incomes.
The report also finds that:
- More thought that the number of people on a low income would increase as a result of Brexit than thought it would fall. Voters were also more likely to feel that life would become harder for people on low incomes than anticipated that it would be easier.
- The views about Brexit of those on low incomes were largely similar to those of voters in general, except that they were more likely to feel that it would result in Britain having more control over unemployment and the NHS.
- There is little consensus about whether Brexit will lead to improvements to the NHS, employment or the availability of better paid work. The biggest group on each of these issues think it will make little difference.
- The majority think Brexit will have a negative impact on the UK’s economy in the short term. But they are divided about the long-term impact – around a third each think it will have a positive impact, have a negative impact or make little difference.
- The public do believe that Brexit will give the government more control over the UK’s economy and that it will lead to lower immigration.