Inquiry to examine how Government can protect rights of EU citizens in UK

On 16 August 2016, a call for evidence was issued by a new Inquiry, chaired by Gisela Stuart MP, former Chair of the Vote Leave campaign, examining the practicalities of how the Government can protect the rights of the 3 million EU citizens living in the UK after Brexit.

The Inquiry will meet in September and October 2016 and has cross-party, business and trade union support. The full Inquiry panel comprises: Gisela Stuart MP (Chair); Suella Fernandes MP; Suzanne Evans of UKIP; Kate Green MP; Fraser Nelson, Editor of the Spectator; Seamus Nevin of the Institute of Directors; Owen Tudor, TUC;  Professor Steve Peers, University of Essex; and Sunder Katwala, British Future.

It will report in autumn/winter 2016, setting out recommendations about how to resolve the status of EU nationals living in the UK.

The call for evidence closed on Wednesday 7 September 2016.

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