Inclusion London have launched a project which supports London Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations (DDPO) use the law to help Deaf/Disabled people make their rights to independent living and access to goods and services a reality.
The project focuses on 3 key pieces of legislation:
- The Care Act 2014
- The Equality Act 2010
- The Human Rights Act 1998
And how you can use them to help secure independent living and access to goods and services.
The project aims to:
- Build strong partnerships between DDPOs and lawyers through their DDPO Legal Network
- Help DDPOs find the best lawyers to enable them to support Deaf/Disabled people to legally challenge the breaches of our rights under the Equality Act, The Care Act and the Human Rights Act
- Provide bespoke training sessions and support for information, advice and advocacy workers and managers working in DDPOs so they can make best use of The Care Act, The Equality Act and the Human Rights Act when trying to secure independent living and access to goods and services.