In Brief article: What is being done to tackle racism in Wales?

The majority (74%) of hate crimes reported and recorded in Wales were motivated by race or religion.

This is according to an article by In Brief which looks at tackling racism and racial inequality in Wales.

The research finds:

  • An increase of 68% in recorded race hate crimes in Wales between 2011-12 and 2017-18, and an increase of 86% in the total recorded hate crimes in Wales between 2011-12 and 2017-18
  • In March 2016, the Welsh Government published its Community Cohesion National Delivery Plan for 2016-17. The Delivery Plan includes an increased awareness and engagement across Gypsy and Traveller communities
  • In March 2019, the Deputy Minister and Chief Whip, Jane Hutt, announced that £840,000 will be made available over two years from the Welsh Government’s European Transition Fund to tackle hate crime, with: £480,000 for a funding scheme offering one-off grants to organisations who work with Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic and minority faith communities.

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