This Human Rights Day, let’s remember why charities care about human rights – they are a safety net for everyone

Most of the time, people in Britain can take for granted that their human rights will be respected – that they will be protected and treated with dignity. That’s something to be proud of. But too often, people’s rights are still not protected. From the sexual exploitation of girls in Oxford and the killing of Daniel Pelka in Birmingham to the mistreatment of patients at hospitals in Mid Staffordshire and racism in stop and search in Dorset, the list goes on. As we celebrate Human Rights Day this 10 December, it is important to reflect on the protections which have helped to shine a light on these and other abuses, and remember why charities like ours care about our human rights laws. They give people an important means of redress, help to make sure future breaches don’t happen and contribute to a culture where dignity, equality and freedom are respected.

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