House of Commons Library briefing paper: Transgender Prisoners

The House of Commons Library have published a September 2018 briefing paper exploring the policy towards transgender prisoners in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The report finds:

  • A Ministry of Justice report published in November 2017 said there were 125 transgender prisoners in England and Wales who had had a local transgender case board when data was collected in March/April 2017. 47 of the prisons in England and Wales said that they had 1 or more transgender prisoners.
  • The Government published a report on their policy review in November 2016 which acknowledged that the treatment of transgender people in the criminal justice system had not kept pace with wider social views
  • In Scotland, 2014 policy guidelines state that the social gender in which the prisoner is living should be fully respected, regardless of whether or not they have a GRC
  • The Northern Ireland Prison Service has no recent record of any prisoners who have self-identified as transgender. Their needs would be considered on a case by case basis, to include arrangements for where they would be accommodated and how they would engage in the prison regime.

Read the full report.

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