HOPE not hate report: Building back resilient – Strengthening communities through the Covid-19 recovery

HOPE not hate’s Building Back Resilient (pdf) report looks at how some of the communities most at risk of social division across the UK have been affected by the pandemic.

This report recommends that ‘levelling up’ needs to go beyond improvements to the economy, ensuring that initiatives which strengthen cohesion and community resilience are funded.

This report aims to understand how the coronavirus outbreak has impacted social cohesion and integration.

It asks what the post-pandemic environment will look like when it comes to community resilience, and what is needed to ensure that the economic hit imposed by Covid-19 does not exacerbate tensions in communities.

Post-Covid efforts to ‘level up’ or to ‘build back better’ have tended, so far, to focus on infrastructure, growth and jobs. However, given the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on community relations – and the scale of the forthcoming challenges for community resilience – it is essential that ‘building back better’ is also focused on strengthening civic and social infrastructure.

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