HEAR Intersectionality Research report

HEAR’s Intersectionality Research report looks at the impact on a person’s life of having multiple protected characteristics and presents case studies of VCS organisations in London that are working in this area, which is called intersectionality.

The research is funded by London Councils through the ‘London for All’ project. HEAR, the equalities and human rights network for London, launched the results of its ‘Intersections’ research on 25 June 2014.

As a network of mostly specialist equalities organisations, HEAR does not seek to work on single equalities issues, because its members are the experts, but HEAR works across all equalities strands on issues that impact on all groups and populations in London that may experience marginalisation, discrimination or denial of human rights

HEAR and its member organisations wanted to create a resource that would:

  • Showcase the work of London voluntary organisations and community groups large and small that seeks to support Londoners with intersecting aspects to their identity or experience
  • Examine both the more theoretical and policy based aspects of intersectionality and the everyday real lives of Londoners and the organisations that work with and support them
  • Generate more debate and action around intersectional issues and promote an intersectional approach across both the voluntary and public sector

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