‘My vision is for a city where everyone can reach their full potential, and I am confident we can make real progress in the years ahead’.
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has set out his vision for an inclusive London in his May 2018 strategy (pdf).
This strategy is made up of key objectives which aims to:
- Provide good affordable housing, reducing homelessness and building strong communities
- Tackle inequalities in education, health and well-being for children
- Look at the barriers preventing some entering and progressing in London’s labour market
- Look at the affordability and accessibility of London’s transport network
- Provide personal safety and health issues such as violence against women, knife crime, and the prevalence of mental health problems and suicide in certain communities
The strategy points out inequality issues in London, for example:
- Young and BAME Londoners are disproportionately represented in the rapidly
expanding private rented sector - Around 25,000 households in London are trying to move somewhere more suitable to help them cope with disability
- Older people, disabled people and those with young children can experience
exclusion from public spaces - 37% of London children live in poverty, compared to 29% nationwide
- Some BAME groups, older women and Deaf and disabled Londoners are more likely to have no qualifications
- Disabled people, young black men, veterans, carers, care leavers, mothers, older Londoners and homeless people are under-represented in the workforce.
It also outlines 39 objectives to address these inequalities with associated plans, programmes and funding, such as:
- The Affordable Homes Programme
- The £70 million Good Growth Fund
- The London Plan
- Health Inequality Strategy, including a London Child Obesity Taskforce
- £114m Skills for Londoners Capital Fund
- The Good Work Standard
- Protecting travel concessions.
Read the strategy in full (pdf).