Become a member

Equally Ours (previously the Equality and Diversity Forum) is the only UK-wide pan-equality and human rights organisation.

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We have three types of organisational membership: members, associates and observers. 

Our membership is core to who we are and what we do, playing an active and vital role in influencing and driving social change. This powerful collective and cohesive voice is our greatest strength.

We currently have over 80 members, associates and observers, spanning a diverse range of equality, human rights and social justice issues.

Full membership is open to national not-for-profit organisations working on policy issues related to equality, human rights and social justice, and to regional and local organisations working on these issues with a national perspective.

Individuals can join our Research Network, and sign-up to our fortnightly newsletter on the latest equality and human rights developments and news. 

If you’d like to find out more about becoming a member, associate or observer, please get in touch with us at

Members’ benefits

  • Eligibility to stand as a Trustee and vote in our Board elections.
  • Networking, collaboration and access to policy-makers.
  • Participation in our monthly influential Policy Forum meetings on current policy issues. Guest speakers include Secretaries of State, government officials, opinion formers and experts.
  • Consulted on joint policy positions and automatically included as a signatory to consultation responses and parliamentary briefings.
  • Opportunity to join our Hate Crime and Human Rights and Equality strategy groups.
  • Invitation to our annual meeting of Chief Executives and Chairs.
  • Priority invites to other high-profile and strategic events, including research briefings and seminars to share new findings and expertise.
  • Free advertising on our website and through our newsletter.
  • All our publications and mailings.

The annual membership subscription fee is on a sliding scale according to your organisation’s annual income:

  • Over £5m: £1,500
  • £1.5m – £5m: £500
  • £500K – £1.5m: £300
  • Up to £500k: £200
  • Under £50k: free

Thinking of joining Equally Ours as a member organisation?

Associates’ benefits

Associate membership is open to any not for profit organisation working on equality, human rights and broader social justice issues nationally, regionally or locally. Associates receive all the benefits of members, but they can’t stand as, or vote for, trustees and are not invited to our annual meeting of CEOs and Chairs. Associates can advertise with Equally Ours at a discounted rate, and can choose to opt in as a signatory to consultation responses and parliamentary briefings.

The annual subscription fee according to organisational income is:

  • Over £5m: £750
  • £1.5m – £5m: £200
  • £500K – £1.5m: £100
  • Up to £500k: £50
  • Under £50k: free
Thinking of joining Equally Ours as an associate organisation?

Observers’ benefits

Observers are government departments, and statutory bodies and institutions who have an interest in human rights, equality and social justice. They are invited to our monthly policy forum meetings and other events, and receive all of our publications and mailings.
Thinking of joining Equally Ours as an observer organisation?

Members’ meetings

You can view our 2024 members’ meeting calendar here.

Please note that these meetings are only open to our members, associates and observers. 

Our current members

You can see all our current members below, or download a list of Members, Associates and Observers in the full network in pdf format.

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