Further resources on cumulative impact issues include the following (alphabetical by title):
- The Coalition’s Social Policy Record: Policy, Spending and Outcomes 2010-2015 is part of a wider programme of research, Social Policy in a Cold Climate, being undertaken by a team of researchers from LSE and the universities of Manchester and York.
- The cost of the cuts: the impact on local government and poorer communities was published in March 2015 by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Counting the Cuts by Dr Simon Duffy, Director of the Centre for Welfare Reform, was published in February 2014.
- Cumulative Impact Assessment: A Research Report by Landman Economics and the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) for the Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2014.
- The Cumulative Impact of Welfare Reform on Households in Scotland, published by the Scottish Parliamentary Welfare Reform Committee on 2 March 2015.
- Destination Unknown: Summer 2012. By Claudia Wood, Demos, 2010.
- Don’t Cut Care in London by Age UK London and GLF, 2013.
- European Women’s Voice: Women’s Economic Independence in Times of Austerity published by the European Women’s Lobby, January 2015.
- A fair society? How the cuts target disabled people by Dr Simon Duffy on behalf of the Campaign for a Fair Society, January 2013.
- False Economy research on funding cuts to charities (2011).
- The impact of the crisis on fundamental rights across Member States of the EU. Comparative analysis, European Parliament, 2015.
- The impact of the coalition government on disabled workers: Workplace experiences and job quality was published by the Public Interest Research Unit in May 2015.
- Impact of universal credit and welfare reforms on the Gypsy and Traveller communities. A report by the Irish Traveller Movement in Britain and Leeds GATE, 2013.
- The local impacts of welfare reform: An assessment of cumulative impacts and mitigations, Centre for Economic & Social Inclusion, 2013.
- Making The Cut by brap was published in February 2016 and considers the impact of cuts and public service redesign on front-line services and vulnerable people in Birmingham.
- Measuring the impact of cuts in public expenditure on the provision of services to prevent violence against women and girls was published in 2012 for Northern Rock Foundation and Trust for London.
- Paying the Price. Single parents in the age of austerity (PDF) by Sumi Rabindrakumar was published by Gingerbread in December 2013.
- Runnymede Trust research into the impact of the 2015 budget on Britain’s BME citizens (July 2015).
- Social Policy in a Cold Climate: policies and their consequences since the crisis from the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion at the LSE was published in May 2016.
- ‘Staying Alive’: The Impact of ‘Austerity Cuts’ on the LGBT Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in England and Wales. A TUC Funded Research Report was published in June 2014.
- Welfare reform and disabled people. House of Commons Library Briefing Paper No. 7571, 25 April 2016.
- Were we really all in it together? The distributional effects of the UK Coalition government’s tax-benefit policy changes by Paola De Agostini, John Hills, Holly Sutherland was published in November 2014.
- What happened to poverty under the Coalition? was published by New Policy Institute (NPI) in May 2015.
- Women and Welfare Reform. A Widening Gap was published in 2015 by Engender, Close the Gap, SCVO, Scottish Refugee Council and Scottish Women’s Aid.
The Hard Times for Equality section of the Equality and Diversity Forum Research Network website contains links to research and other material addressing the impact of the financial crisis and austerity measures from an equality and human rights perspective.
Thanks to Henrietta Doyle, Inclusion London, for contributing some of the items above.