Fawcett Society blog: Why women’s representation matters

‘I’m asked – too often – why equal representation of women is important?’

This is from a November 2021 blog from the Fawcett Society, which goes on to give some of the key reasons equal representation matters for a functioning democracy:

  • Women make up more than half of the population, so should be equally represented in any democracy.
  • Research has shown that women’s involvement in decision making leads to better outcomes.
  • The increased presence of women in decision-making moves important issues, like violence against women, up the agenda.
  • Studies have shown that women are more likely to work collaboratively between parties.
  • Research has shown more women representatives encourages more women to participate as citizens.
  • Both men and women consider gender-equal institutions fairer and more democratic.
  • Diversity of experience leads to better and more representative decision-making.

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