Fabian Society diversity series – three reports on representation within the Labour Party

The Fabian Society has produced a diversity series of three reports concerning representation within the Labour Party:

  • Outsiders: Ideas to improve BAME representation in the Labour Party‘, which found that BAME Labour Party members are 15 percentage points less likely white members to agree that there are “people like me” in their CLP, and 10 points less likely to agree people are “treated fairly” by their local party.
  • Practicing What We Preach: Women and the Labour Party‘, which sets out a range of steps the Party could take to improve the representation of women, arguing that “the Party must make gender equality an organisational priority in order to prevent the ‘new politics’ looking exactly like the old.”
  • The Ideal Candidate‘, which “reveals that homophobia, biphobia and transphobia is still a problem within Labour’s ranks.”


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