European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights report: Hate Crime Recording and Data Collection Practice across the EU

Laws against hate crime are in place, and services are available for victims. But are these measures enough?

This question is addressed in a June 2018 report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on hate crime in the EU.

The report points out two problems with current legislation and services relating to hate crime:

  1. Only a fraction of victims report hate-motivated harassment and violence to the police.
  2. When they do, police officers do not always flag them as hate crimes.

It argues that this means hate crimes remain unidentified or unrecorded – and thus un-investigated, unprosecuted, uncounted and, ultimately, invisible.

The report includes the following sections:

  • Key findings and FRA opinions
  • International norms, standards and guidance on hate crime recording and data collection
  • Comparative overview of the situation at national level
  • Recording and collecting data on hate crime in the EU-28
  • Crime victimisation surveys in the EU

Read the report in full.

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