European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights report: Being Black in the EU

‘In the 21st century, there is no excuse for racial discrimination. Yet black people in the EU today are still victims of widespread and unacceptable levels of discrimination and harassment simply because of their skin colour’.

This is according to the November 2018 report (pdf) from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), which examines the experiences of nearly 6,000 black people in 12 European Union Member States.

The report finds:

  • 30% of respondents say they have been racially harassed in the last five years; 5% have been physically attacked
  • Around a quarter of black people experienced racial discrimination at work or when looking for work
  • 14% of respondents say private landlords will not rent accommodation to them. This is especially problematic, as only 15% own property, as opposed to 70% of the EU’s general population
  • 24% of respondents were stopped by the police in the last five years. Among those stopped, 41% felt the stop constituted racial profiling, which undermines trust in policing and community relations.

Read the full report (pdf).

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