European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless report: Third Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe 2018

The profiles of homeless people are changing, with children becoming the largest group of people in emergency shelters as a result of a deterioration in the living conditions of extremely vulnerable families.

This from the March 2018 annual report (PDF) from the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA)

This report reveals how millions of Europeans face housing exclusion on a daily basis as well as a dramatic picture of increasing homelessness across most of the EU – in particular amongst children, women and migrants.

The report finds:

  • In France, 20,845 people called the 115 homeless helpline requesting accommodation (in June 2017)
  • Dublin City Council spent € 39 million on hotel nights for homeless people in 2016, while € 10.7 million was spent on prevention and supported housing
  • In Britain, 29% of spending was on temporary accommodation and (44% of which was spent on hotels/Bed and Breakfast) and 61% on housing services (between 2015-2016)
  • Over the last number of years, only two European countries (Finland and Norway) have seen a reduction in the number of homeless people

Read the full report (PDF).

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