In December 2012 Equinet (The European Network of Equality Bodies) published the ‘Equality Law in Practice’ report. This was prepared by Equinet’s Working Group on Equality Law in Practice. One aspect of the Group’s work is using real-life cases to analyse how the EU Equal Treatment Directives and relevant national legislation are applied in practice. This method permits a comparison of the different national legal solutions to the cases which in turn achieves a number of objectives:
- identifying patterns in the way in which Directives have been implemented and applied in national laws;
- identifying potential gaps in protection or provisions in the EU Directives requiring further clarification;
- identifying potential and existing legislative gaps in national legal systems.
The report looks at cases on associative sex discrimination on grounds of the pregnancy of the claimant’s partner, on discriminatory dismissal of older workers, and on discrimination on the ground of nationality or citizenship.
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