Equality Commission NI: five key actions to promote racial equality

The Equality Commission for Northern Ireland has set out the five priority actions that it considers the Northern Ireland Executive needs to take to promote racial equality in Northern Ireland. They will be making these recommendations to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

1. develop a co-ordinated cross departmental action plan in Northern Ireland to advance racial equality (incorporating clear targets, actions & timescales)
2. set out a detailed timetable for the proposed review of the racial equality and fair employment legislation
3. set out specific timeframes for consultation on, and implementation of, comprehensive ethnic monitoring to improve public policy and service delivery in NI
4. take action to promote respect; tackle racism and discrimination; and address racist hate crime
5. set out the actions to be taken to address key inequalities in education, health, housing, employment and social protection and promotes integration (particularly for marginalised groups such as Travellers and Roma, asylum seekers and refugees

They have produced a report to the list of themes and a key point briefing.

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