Equality and Human Rights Commission update report: Women’s rights and gender equality in 2018

We urge the UK Government to ensure that the disproportionate impact of domestic abuse on women is acknowledged in the statutory definition.

This is from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) update report on women’s rights and gender equality in 2018 (pdf).

This report represents the response of the EHRC to some of the issues raised by the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW Committee) .


  • Recommends that the UK government should implement the entirety of the Equality Act 2010 (EA 2010) and examine ways to improve access to redress for discrimination to ensure individuals are able to enforce their rights under the act effectively
  • Calls on the UK and Welsh governments to develop national action plans to close gender, disability and ethnicity pay gaps, and to report regularly on progress
  • Supports the UK Government’s encouragement of ‘whole school’ approaches to help ensure that anti bullying and equality policies are effectively aligned with the teaching of relationships education and relationships and sex education.

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