Equality and Human Rights Commission response: Home Affairs Select Committee Domestic Abuse Inquiry

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) have published their response to the consultation on the Home Affairs Committee Inquiry (pdf), in July 2018.

The EHRC recommends that the UK Government:

  • Undertakes joined-up, strategic cross-UK and cross-Government action to tackle domestic abuse and violence against women and girls (VAWG)
  • Establishes a Violence Against Women and Domestic Abuse Commissioner, with sufficient powers and resources
  • Implements the necessary changes to legislation, policy and practice, to ratify the Istanbul Convention, with sufficient resources for implementation.

On hate crime:

  • The UK and Welsh Governments should undertake a full-scale review of hate crime offences and enhanced sentencing powers in England and Wales, to ensure adequate protection for women.

On Female offenders:

  • EHRC recommends that sufficient resources are made available, to support women in prison and on release, who are survivors of abuse and violence
  • They recommend that all agencies make routine enquiries about women’s history of abuse.

On Support services:

  • The UK Government should undertake a comprehensive review of funding across all aspects of support for survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence
  • EHRC recommends that the number of refuge places in England and Wales should meet the minimum levels recommended by the Council of Europe.

Read the response in full (pdf).


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