Equality and Human Rights Commission interim report: Impact of Tax and Welfare Reforms Between 2010 and 2017

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) have published a November 2017 report (pdf) on the impact of tax and welfare reforms between 2010-17.

This report summarises the first set of results from their research project ‘Tax, welfare, social security and public spending: a cumulative impact assessment’.

The report finds:

  • Ethnic minority households will be more adversely impacted than White households, with average losses for Black households about 5% of net income – more than double that for White households
  • Households with one or more disabled member will be significantly more adversely impacted than those with no disabled members
  • Lone parents lose around 15% of their net income on average – almost £1 in every £6
  • Women lose more than men from reforms at every income level
  • The biggest average losses by age group, across men and women, are experienced by the 65-74 age group (average losses of around £1,450 per year) and the 35-44 age group (average losses of around £1,250 per year).

The work focuses on protected characteristics, as set out in the Equality Act 2010.

EDF and a number of our members have contributed to the development of this important research.

Read the full report (pdf).

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