EHRC report on employment practices in the cleaning sector

In August 2014, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) published The Invisible Workforce: Employment Practices in the Cleaning Sector, the report of a project examining employment practices in the cleaning sector in England, Scotland and Wales.

The Commission’s evidence shows that while there is evidence of good practice in some areas, some employers in the cleaning sector are not complying with legal responsibilities. To support the sector, the report makes recommendations to the key bodies in the sector. The recommendations focus on the most significant findings, and address the need to:

  • Improve working conditions for cleaning operatives.
  • Raise awareness of employment rights.
  • Establish more responsible procurement practices.

The Commission has also convened a taskforce to consider how to improve outsourcing and employment practices. The taskforce will focus on key areas such as responsible procurement, and treating workers with dignity and respect.

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