Diversity Forum post: Less talk, more action, social investors must act now on diversity

As the Diversity Forum launches a new, more robust manifesto, its chair Amir Rizwan urges social investors to not only pledge to take seriously their commitment to diversity and inclusion, but also to set goals and be accountable.

Too often boardrooms and executive teams would be made up of the same people, something that would get more pronounced the higher up you go in an organisation. The Diversity Forum’s 2019 report, Inclusive Impact: the state of diversity in the social impact sector was, at the time, one of the only pieces of work that provided the numbers behind this story and illustrated how far behind the social investment sector was in terms of diversity. 

The article calls for for the social investment sector to pivot away from talking about this topic and move towards action, with the first step being signing up to the Diversity Forum manifesto

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