Crown Prosecution Service report: Violence Against Women and Girls Report 2016-17

Over a ten year period, violence against women and girls (VAWG) convictions have risen from 51,974 to 84,565 – a 63% rise.

This is according to the Crown Prosecution Service’s annual VAWG report (pdf) in October 2017.

This report provides key data, commentary and case studies for each of the VAWG strands.  It includes VAWG work in relation to:

  1. Domestic abuse
  2. Stalking
  3. Harassment
  4. Rape
  5. Sexual offences
  6. Forced marriage
  7. ‘honour-based’ violence
  8. Female genital mutilation
  9. Child abuse
  10. Human trafficking for sexual exploitation
  11. prostitution and pornography.

The CPS VAWG strategy is part of the overarching cross-government VAWG strategic framework, based on the UN conventions that the UK has signed and ratified. The report provides an assessment of prosecution performance on crimes grouped together under the heading VAWG, as they have been identified as being committed primarily, but not exclusively, by men against women within a pattern of coercion, power or control.

Read the full report (pdf).

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